Piercing price includes basic implant grade ASTM F -136 Titanium jewelry. Other styles of Titanium or 14kt gold jewelry are an additional cost when available and upon request. Ohio sales tax of 7.25% is added to piercing price.

See Piercer John / Piercing Appts. menu tab for scheduling details.

Earlobe 1) $45 2) $70 3) $95 4) $120

Cart / Helix 1) $50 2) $85 3) $120 4) $155

Flat / Forward Helix / Conch / Tragus $60

Rook / Daith / Snug $60

Eyebrow $60

Industrial / Earlobe Orbital $70

Nostril 1) $50 2) $90

Septum $60

Lip / Monroe 1) $50 2) $90

Tongue $60

Labret / Philtrum (medusa) $60

Vertical Labret / Ashley / Smiley $60

Navel $50

Nipple 1) $50 2) $80 (must be 18yrs or older)

Earlobe Stretching 1) $25 2) $40 ( requires a consultation first )

Jewelry Change / Adjustment / Removal 1 - 2 ) $15 3+ ea. additional) $5

Jewelry Change / Adjustment price does not include jewelry